• Assassins creed
    Assassins creed
    Assassins creed is a first person action shooting game, Has mind-blowing graphics and is really easy to understand The story is the best part.Go ahead download the game and enjoy. Read more
  • Crysis 2
    Crysis 2
    Crysis 2 is a action packed game. Crysis is first player RPG game with awesome graphics and mind-blowing guns You should give it a try Read more
  • Gears of war
    Gears of war
    Gears of war!! i don't need to tell anyone about this game its quite famous and almost everyone knows it, I guess??? Download and loose yourself in the gameplay . Read more
  • NFS run
    NFS run
    So NFS run is a game filled with some awesome cars Including my favorite Lamborghini's. Yeah!! This game will bring the racer hidden inside you. Read more
  • Trine 2
    Trine 2
    Not many people are aware of this game, But believe me this game has really awesome graphics Though rhere is no action, you need a good brain to finish the game. Read more

Main » 2012 » March » 30

In Hollywood, the concept of the 'star vehicle' is established, from Pretty Woman to The Scorpion King, but in games we've rarely seen it (unless you count The Chronicles of Riddick or perhaps the endless sports branding.) So, it's odd to see it sneak in as an expansion pack to Dragon Age II. This DLC should really be called "Roleplay with Felicia", as it introduces a new team character voiced by internet star Felicia Day. (Who also appears to have acted as that same character in a Dragon Age fan film elsewhere, by the way, and for whom the word "sassy" was invented.)

Once downloaded, the pack can be accessed from your character's home in Kirkwall; click on the strange statue in the back room and it triggers another tall tale from your partner / henchdwarf Varric. Thoug ... Read more »

Views: 563 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

It delivers scorching multiplayer, fitting of its decade-long pedigree of famously expansive big-team battles, but stumbles over a generic single-player campaign that feels like a different game.

While DICE may not deliver a memorable story here, it doesn't need to when Battlefield 3's online warfare raises every bar imaginable, delivering one of the best multiplayer experiences of the year. I doubt Battlefield purists will complain much about the campaign, honestly; I know you're enlisting in this battle to bring down entire armies online.
From the beaches of Kharg Island to the hills of Damavand Peak, Battlefield 3's multiplayer maps provide an immediate sense ... Read more »
Views: 526 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Elder scroll v/s skyrim

I was stacking books on a shelf in my house in Whiterun, one of Skyrim's major cities, when I noticed a weapon rack right beside it. I set a sacrificial dagger in one slot, an Orcish mace in the other. They were on display for nobody but me and my computer-controlled housecarl, Lydia, who sat at a table patiently waiting for me to ask her to go questing. The chest upstairs was reserved for excess weapons and armor, the bedside table for smithing ingots and ores, the one next to the Alchemy table for ingredients. I'd meticulously organized my owned virtual property not beca ... Read more »

Views: 762 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

A video game's first responsibility -- arguably its only responsibility -- is to show the player a good time. To say that Saints Row: The Third is a good time would be a severe understatement. Running naked around the fictional city of Steelport wiping out rival gangs with mind-controlling octopi provided some of the most fun I've had this year. There may be a tendency to dismiss Saints Row as a Grand Theft Auto clone (it isn't) or as juvenile antics (it is) but when you just want to indulge in some mindless violence and sexual depravity, this will more than suffice.
Saints Row the Third takes you out of Stilwater, the setting for the first two games, and drops you into the new city of Steelport. Three local gangs are well-entrenched, but the Third Street Saints aren't going to se ... Read more »
Views: 548 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Those guys are screwed.
Sometimes reviewers can't see the forest for the trees. When I finished Batman: Arkham City, I immediately cataloged what I thought it did wrong. It tossed in too many villains and didn't flesh them out, it clearly tried to replicate the Scarecrow stuff from the first game and didn't do it as well, and Batman still moves a bit stiffly when simply walking around. When I formed the list, I found myself disappointed with the game. But the days rolled on and I couldn't stop playing -- in fact, I only wanted to play more. The hundreds of things Batman: Arkham City nails outweighed my nitpicky problems. I realized Batman: Arkham City is a brilliant game -- a brilliant ga ... Read more »
Views: 528 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Trading in gunpowder kegs and fields of wheat for missile turrets and high tech underwater algae farms, Anno 2070 brings the popular civ-building strategy series into the modern era with a much-needed twist. With humanity recovering from a global ecological meltdown that leaves much of the world's land and vital resources now well below sea level, you now have to weigh out both the environmental and economical impact of your actions as you build out your budding archipelago empire. While the fresh sci-fi vibe had me hooked from the get-go, it's the shades of depth 2070 adds to the franchise's already elaborate gameplay that makes the ebb and flow of expanding my ever-struggling civilization so captivating.

In Anno 2070' ... Read more »

Views: 699 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Early speeders look like giant noses and lawn-mowers. The later ones look much nicer.
From the moment you first log in, Star Wars: The Old Republic puts you in the mindset of a star-hopping badass. The opening cinematic, where the Sith appear out of nowhere and reclaim Korriban, introduces you to the conflict between the Empire and the Republic. Then you choose which faction you're going to play for, and another cinematic sets the tone of your alignment. For Empire players, the focus is on power, control, and anger. The Republic cinematic portrays a need to take back what's lost through planning and tenacity. The cinematics are spectacularly com ... Read more »
Views: 554 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Combat never felt so good. 
Who said that epic and expansive fantasy RPGs had to have subpar gameplay? For as much as I absolutely adore games like Fallout 3, Mass Effect 2 and Skyrim, gameplay in those titles simply didn't live up to the amazing standards set by their superb settings, narratives and quest structures. In Fallout 3, VATS was simply an excuse for its inherently clumsy combat, and for as much awe as Skyrim instilled in me, in-game fighting is sloppy. Good news, then, that Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning has come along.
Reckoning proves once and for all that great role-playing experiences don't have to sacrifice what matters most i ... Read more »
Views: 528 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

The PC version of Alan Wake has followed a long, twisting path and occasionally fallen off cliffs. Remedy's action game – its first since Max Payne 2 – was initially announced for Xbox 360 and PC. The PC version was later cancelled for dubious reasons, and marketed as an Xbox 360 exclusive title when it was released in 2010 for Microsoft's console. But the desire to put together a PC version never died out at Remedy, and in late 2011 the studio re-announced Alan Wake for PC, which includes all the same content ... Read more »
Views: 548 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

People love to hate it, but the Call of Duty franchise is successful for a reason. No other first-person shooter has the same flair for visual spectacle in its singleplayer campaign, and few can match its utterly addictive multiplayer. While Call of Duty games have become formulaic at this point, as evidenced by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's muddled narrative and at times frustrating design, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games have refined and polished the Modern Warfare experience to produce the best of the series with the third installment.

... Read more »
Views: 540 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

A trine is a group of three. It was also a clever 2009 puzzle platformer starring a trio of adventurers, each with specific talents. Lucky us, now we have a sequel, Trine 2, that offers more fun physics-based challenges, more beautiful vistas, and adds online multiplayer to the mix.

The first thing I noticed about Trine 2 is its stunning visuals. Each scene, from forests to caves to lazy beaches, shines with rich detail and startling lighting effects. There is always something amazing to distract you. Trine 2 easily makes for one of the prettiest games of the year.

If you played the first Trine, you'll find a very familiar game here. Players run from left to right through fantasy spectacles, surmounting obstacles and slaying a few goblins along the way. You have three heroes at your disposal: a wizard that can conjure blocks and ... Read more »
Views: 563 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Ridge Racer is known for supporting every system launch window under the sun, but this is perhaps a new low. Those titles are usually spare affairs that look to capitalize on early adopters' desperation for software. Ridge Racer on the Vita goes a step further by giving you even less content than your standard, already bare-bones launch title. It's built on the premise that you buy post-launch DLC to fill out its skeletal roster of three tracks and five cars (with an additional set available via a free download). Sadly, that might not even be the most unfulfilling part of this game.

As if the scarcity of out-of-the-box tracks and cars wasn't galling enough, this game's hollow overall career structure means that even if it shipped with an acceptable amount of cars/tracks, it still wouldn't be enough. Everyone who turns on the game joins one of four race teams, with all accomplishments earning points that go towards the overa ... Read more »
Views: 517 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Tower defense erupted in popularity through Flash and mobile gaming across the past few years based on a standard formula: build defenses and fight off wave after wave of enemies. Defenders of Ardania attempts to evolve that formula by letting players send wave after wave of soldiers right back at the enemy. While an interesting twist, this gamble turns into a stalemate; a simple battle becomes a lengthy and frustrating time sink that lacks the satisfying end of a strategic battle.

Tower-up and send in the troops.

For ... Read more »
Views: 523 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

For all its dense fiction, mountains of loot, and vast exploration, the most exciting thing about Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is the promise of power. Consistent, rapid growth is an encouraging reason to return to Amalur, whether you're one hour deep or 100. This is what makes 38 Studios and Big Huge Games' first add-on such a smart addition to the excellent action-RPG.

The Legend of Dead Kel is an empowering expansion pack. It isn't just more of the same in a new s ... Read more »

Views: 552 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

s been a long, long time since we've seen a great mech game. Chromehounds was almost six years ago; MechWarrior was even further back. Armored Core, meanwhile, is a series that hasn't been at peak fitness for over a decade. I haven't played one of these games since the PS2, and so I came to Armored Core V with muted expectations. Happily, it has comprehensively exceeded them.

Armored Core V Video Review

I've seen two predominant reactions to Armored Core V. Some people spend an hour trying to figure out what's going on before dismissing it as boring, convoluted and incredibly difficult, and others sense that there's something interesting behind its unwelcoming metal exterior and commit themselves to scaling the entry barr ... Read more »
Views: 551 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

One of the chief creative voices at thatgamecompany, Jenova Chen, once described his earlier game, Flower, in an intriguing way. He said it was to big disc-based games what poems are to novels. I can find no better description to apply to his follow-up, except to say that if Flower was an abstract haiku about the fragility of nature, Journey is a narrative ballad defined by discrete images and places. Journey offers players a brief but memorable glimpse into another world, and through the confluence of music, images, and play, a quiet meditation on solitude and the interconnection of people.

As you might expect, a lot of what makes a game called Journey so engaging is the slow unraveling of mystery as you learn more about where you are and what you’re doing. To that end, I’d be ... Read more »

Views: 538 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

The original Total War: Shogun 2 is a triumphant balance between complexity and elegance, a strategy game that offers players meaningful interactions with economic development and warfare alongside a diplomatic metagame that is second to none. The one area where that game tripped up was in variety; many of the one-off units were nearly indistinguishable from the baseline infantry/cavalry/archers they modified, and it was easy to fall back on static tactics and unit compositions. This standalone expansion retains everything that made the original great while rectifying that shortcoming with style. Every clan in Japan now has to straddle the line between traditional spears-and-bows units and modern firearms and cannons, and all of the diversity that the influx of new weaponry provides. ... Read more »

Views: 495 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Angry Birds Space could have easily been a slightly modified version of the game we already know and love. As long as the structures holding the pigs were new and the art was different, Rovio would have still sold plenty. Instead, the developer released a game that feels like a true sequel to the physics-based title that has helped define modern mobile gaming.

Angry Birds Space, as the name so expertly clarifies, takes place in space. You launch assorted birds at sleeping pigs in questionable structures, with and without the aid of gravity. Sometimes you use the gravitational pull of small planets to help slingshot birds towards their destination, reminiscent of the gravity shenanigans featured in Super Mario Galaxy. Launching your birds into the black void is an awesome feeling, as i ... Read more »

Views: 710 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

Long before a game like Assassin’s Creed III can be played on a screen with a controller, the world of that game must be visualized. Strong concept art guides the vision of a project, informing the graphical style, locations, characters, and tone of the whole experience.

During our visit to AC III developer Ubisoft Montreal, we saw a wealth of evocative images from the project. We’ve drawn out some of the coolest pieces of concept art from what we saw to help illustrate some of the game’s most compelling locations, events, and characters.

For each of the images below, you may click on the picture for a larger version. Then, read the description below each image to learn more about what that piece of art illustrates about the larger game.

Enjoy your illust ... Read more »

Views: 556 | Added by: shadow-runner | Date: 2012-03-30 | Comments (0)

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